Wednesday, June 3, 2009


After the French way of saying easy-to-read-books "littérature féminine", let me introduce you the international way of saying household appliances: "girl's toys".

I was looking for a gift for the 4-year-old daughter of a friend of mine and I went to a toys'r us store. I was surprised (a way of saying shocked) by the colors used in this store: pink for some toys, blue for the others, but that's not all, the aisles’ name is: 'girls' in one case, and 'boys' in the other.
Guess which toys can be found in the girls stand: vacuum-cleaners, tea sets, ironing machines,...

This categorization of toys was strongly critized two years ago by Mix-Cités, and the store promised to change this but didn't of course.

What would you say if in your favorite supermarket, instead of 'electric household appliances' you could read 'women's tools'? That is exactly the message we are giving to our children.
This topic is very well described and discussed here (I strongly recommend reading it).